People attempt to do away with what they can’t understand- and sometimes what that is- is the truth.

Anniversary #125 this year:


WGA 1498820

This is a historical drama based on the autobiography of Albert Parsons and other materials that retell the events of the Haymarket bombing of May 4, 1886, the subsequent trial and executions of anarchists in America who fought for the eight hour work day.

The story centers on Parsons, who at age 13 fought for the CSA and later denounced his indoctrination, and his wife Lucy, an outspoken free woman of color who published articles, spoke to the public and led marches.

The film also focuses on Louis Lingg, a young German carpenter unionist who emigrated to Chicago and German language newspaper publisher August Spies. Lingg committed suicide in prison. Spies met his wife as a result of the conspiracy trial.  Four men were hung and buried in Waldheim Cemetery in Chicago.

What’s going on now in America? Unionists, boycotting, plutocracy… so familiar because it’s from history.

Jon Stewart Teacher Cribs

Sean Duffy from WI (R) can’t survive on 174K/year? He should try being a teacher.

Certain legislators want to relax current child labor laws.

VANITY FAIR article: Of the 1%, by the 1% :

1% of the US population has 25% of the entire wealth of the country


Trial corruption- West Memphis 3

Yep, people still make stuff up to put people behind bars who they feel threatened by for one reason or another.

*Lorri Davis is to Damien Echols as Nina Van Zandt was to August Spies*

SEC ignores Markopolos, repeatedly, but you knew that-